Tuesday, December 6, 2016

We can get THERE from HERE

I've needed some time... I've had so much to process and I have so much to say... what I've already posted here and on Facebook are but the tip of the iceberg...

Each time anyone tells me how much they appreciate my words, how I've hit home in their hearts or minds, or given them encouragement, I am so greatly pleased and also humbled... Writing for entertainment is one thing... but writing to help fortify and educate and encourage another...

I can't always do that and of late I -- like you -- feel the life has been sucked out of me. I haven't felt that I've had much to give... except perhaps anger.

But now it's time to move into that which is proactive.

Today I’d like to share these thoughts: 
I am against censorship. I support a free and unfettered press. I believe in the "marketplace of ideas" and the right to be stupid.

However, I also believe that, unlike Joe Schmo with a computer and internet connection, major institutions of influence and power have a CIVIC AND MORAL DUTY to be truthful. Mistakes happen; messages get blurred -- but a repeated, brazen cycle of Fact-Free News and Toxic Political Spin is killing this nation.

Fox News is a Fact-Free News Source; a Propaganda Machine Extraordinaire.

You know that is true... and you are frustrated... so am I but we can take a stand. 

People keep asking me "what can we do?" and "what's next?" and "how can we fight Trump?" etc.

There are many ways but the easiest that could have the most long term consequence is a public protest against Fox.

Here's how you start: Please pay attention to where you are at all times: are you in a doctor's waiting room or sitting in a surgical waiting room for family in a hospital or are you waiting for attention in an ER? Are you at the dentist? Are you in a restaurant or bar? Are you waiting for your tires to be rotated or your oil checked at Jiffy Lube?

Almost all of those places -- and many more -- will have a television and almost of them, about 9 out of 10, will have their TV on the National Default Channel: Fox News. I don't know how this happened but I have seen this for at least 10 years... I have experienced this constant assault by Fox News in IL, WI, IN, MI, KY, PA, NJ, NY, NH... in Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, LA and San Francisco. FOX NEWS IS EVERYWHERE but we're going to singe their tail feathers, we may even ground them entirely. 

I've been doing this for years in public spaces. I have no reservation about asking anyone to change the channel. I've asked waitresses, bartenders, hostesses and other service personnel to change the channel and if anyone looked at me weirdly or I think they are going to protest I say this: "I'm very sorry but I have a terrible allergy to lies and propaganda."

In many places you can change the channel yourself -- DO IT. If anyone else is in the waiting room then announce your allergy to lies and you might also add this for good measure: "You do realize, right, that independent studies have consistently proven that Fox News almost never tells the truth." I also sometimes add: "Fox News has greatly contributed to the Dumbing Down of America."

Announce it firmly, with authority.

To this date, NO ONE has ever challenged me. Why? Because first of all it is unexpected and they will be taken by surprise but most of all because no one wants to actually say: “Oh, I don't mind lies; I like lies…” or "Hey, I like being Dumbed Down and Stupid."

And here is what you do as well: In your own home watch Fox News for a little bit each day and catch all of the LOCAL AND NATIONAL SPONSORS… MAKE A LIST (change your viewing schedule; advertisers choose different time slots).

There will be commercials for local businesses and services... roofing, car sales, hospitals, lawyers... get those names... then you and everyone in your family and all of your friends should call and write those sponsors and very firmly tell them that you detest Fox News because they are a bunch of lying So&Sos. Announce you and others are FED UP. Tell them you are prepared to BOYCOTT anyone who advertises on any Fox News affiliate and you are going to ask every single person you know to do the same.

And say it like you mean it – because you do mean it!

Then go for the big national advertisers: Geico, Liberty Mutual, Exxon, GE, Schwab, Merrill Lynch, all the large banks…get those names.

Same drill for them: “We will boycott you if you continue to advertise on Fox News.”

Remind everyone how this hurt Rush Limbaugh's sponsors. Remind them.

Always say this:

“We are demanding TRUTH IN JOURNALISM AND NEWS REPORTING and are going after every national media source that willfully and repeatedly lies to us or spins facts to advance a political agenda. We will not tolerate this anymore. You, Mr. Sponsor, are in the LINE OF FIRE. We suggest you get out of the way….”

Now, let's roll... 

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